Wednesday 14 February 2007

Valentines Day

Well today is the day. But this year it hasn't bothered me to much. I know that in the future I will have a girl and V day will be the same as any other day. I'm not one of these guys who will be affectionate, thoughtful, passionate and caring because its a particular day. If I love her everyday will be like that.

I think I'm in a slightly weird mood tonight and I've been more up and down than ever today. Maybe just bit tired and when I'm hungry its gets to me the most.

B was really cold today on msn, it does my head in when girls are like that. She is my friend and I'm there for her like when she is there for me, yet sometimes she is just a little short and obviously just thinks about her work all the time. I think that maybe she is under pressure and will be back to her old self when she has less work.

Its great to get comments on my blog. Thanks! It is a great feeling to just write about all aspects of my life! I feel so open and liberated because I can admit to wanking and fancying all kinds of girls (still not sure about putting a pic of my cock on here though!)


Jenny X said...

sorry to hear you have had an up and down day. i know how you feel sometimes. and i can understand how it helps to write the blog and all aspects of whats going on in your life. Hope you have a better day tomorrow.

Jenny X said...

Oh yeah - be brave and do the photo!!!!