Tuesday 13 February 2007

Quick Post

I'm knackered and have had a crap day so I ain't got much energy for a long post or even a tug.

I had a shite day work and got really down thinking I should quit. I ended up moaning to A about F on msn for ages.

B moaned to me on msn and did my head in. I love her to bits she is a great girl and quality friend. But how can somebody so attractive go on about been ugly and not sexy. She is a stunner, but how do you tell a girl this without sounding like you want to pull her pants down with your teeth?? Bit worried she'll just go for any lad that is interested when she really needs a nice guy to look after her and build her confidence up. Not sure if she just wants a shag or maybe just to say she has a man?? She was complaining about not kissing anybody since last summer, I can see me clocking up at least a year without so much as a peck!

Right I'm off to bed, hope I sleep better than last night as I couldn't sleep and when I did I was dreaming about SB which is not a road I want to go back down (even if she is still probably my dream girl).


Jenny X said...

Hope you got a good nights sleep!! and a better day at work? Relax and give yourself a treat!!

Vi said...

your friend just wants assurance, as most women do. Give it her (the assurance that is!). Oh and I hope you join us in Vibrations day, man style! Thanks for visiting!