Sunday 4 February 2007

High Fidelity

After buying Nick Hornby's "high fidelity" today I've decided that these are my following five rejections from girls (in no particular order):

F. The most recent and I'm still nowhere near over it. She is still the girl I fancy and think about before I go to sleep.

A. She broke my heart, then we became friends. It was difficult to take when she fell in love with my best friend. In a weird way I couldn't cope if they split up in case her being back on the market would mean I'd have to go after her again, I suppose this means i still fancy her.

S. I still carry a torch for S. Sexy, beautiful, kind, loves kids, intelligent with fabulous breasts I'd kill for her to be mine. Her craziness doesn't come close to putting me off. There is a stupid part of me that still would like to chase her, marry her and have children.

CG. My first proper girlfriend (we took each other virginity). I'm curious now that she lives in Newcastle, what would happen if we ran into each other. I'm not sure I'd like to get back together.

AD. I'm still confused by the way she treated me. No idea, but I got over her quite quickly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm a 54 year old married woman with two grown children, a husband I hardly know and a boyfriend, but still no sex.

I am a lot like you.

Just hope everything goes well for you!
