Thursday 18 January 2007

She is Fantastic

Reasons why F is great:
  1. She is pretty. But not in the most obvious way. Apart from her eyes, which are stunning. Her smile is cute. I think cute is the best way to describe her.
  2. She is clearly intelligent. Has brains, uses them and isn't stupid
  3. She wears glasses. I love girls who wear glasses. That thing she does when she looks over the top of them is amazing.
  4. She is funny, sharp and witty.
  5. She is sexy.
  6. Her bum is round. the jeans she wore to work yesterday made it look so sexy. I just couldn't stop looking. i had to work hard not to get a hard-on in the corridor at work.
  7. She has ambition and wants to do stuff with her life.
  8. Her boobs are pert and quite big, especially for a girl of her size.
  9. She dresses how she wants to. She has a stud because she wants one.
  10. She likes basic things like, going for a brew and having a drink.
  11. Her accent is sexy. I love Geordie accents.
  12. She is kind and caring.
  13. She is small and has a womanly figure.
  14. Her hair is dark.
  15. She smiles loads.

I think that's enough. I know that she'll most likely (95%) break my heart. But I cant help it at the minute she is great and I just hope I get a chance with her. Maybe I need to talk to S about this.

1 comment:

Stumbling, Falling, Dreaming & Flying said...

she's not as great as you think. you should have learnt this by now dude.