Monday 22 January 2007

Should I Quit

I'm not sure whether I should turn my back on all of this and go back to where I was.

I had my review meeting today and the uni certainly didn't back me up like I wanted them to but that is what i expected to happen. They didn't confront the company and hold them to account. But the meal we had after was OK and everybody seemed happy, why should i rock the boat if everybody else is well pleased??

But I know the main reason I'm depressed is because of F. She looked beautiful today. She spoke to me on line today and it just wasn't the same, when the box of text from her popped up on the screen I had no rush or faster heart rate than i did last week. Just wish she had give me a chance, Cant decide whether to talk to S about this or not. Is it selfish, did she tell F in confidence about thinking me and F should give it a go??

One plus point was the way B spoke to me last night. She really helped, great to know I have a friend like that here. Just hope we grow closer over the next few months, I really need a friend like that. Its not a sexual thing, just I need some support and somebody to hang out with. I am quite proud of the way I don't fancy her and just want to be friends, especially as she is so attractive.

Right best go to bed as i am tired and need to function tomorrow. Just wish F hadn't blown my chances out as now I have nobody to think about when I fall asleep. Just hope I have somebody to snuggle up to sometime soon. Starting to fell lonely like I did last year.

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