Wednesday 24 January 2007

Fed Up

I know its probably still because of F, but I've felt really down the last few days. Every little bit of a set-back or stress at work has really got to me. She looked fantastic again today and I'm still gutted.

But another thing has worried, its not just F. Its where I am heading with my life, where will I be in 3, 5 or even 10 years time. There are plenty of men who are into their late 20s and 30s who have no girlfriend, wife or even decent friends. I'm starting to worry that I'm heading towards membership of the male spinster club alongside all the 1000s of sad old men who are obsessed with work because it is the only thing in their life. As I sat in my meeting today and watched all the other "normal" people leave the office I just couldn't help thinking that I might never have the girlfriend, mates or family to rush out of work for. Maybe I'm just being a depressive gimp, but I am really worried about this. I suppose I do have mates, but its not like at uni. I dont do many social things at all.

Sick of people telling me I am a nice guy, and Mrs Right will so up soon. In the last 2 months at least 5 people have said that or something similar. I wouldn't mind, but there is no evidence of this been true, apart from S's comments. Still not sure whether to talk to S about this.

Decided that I need to keep going and maybe start worrying about this in a couple of years time. Maybe should use this as motivation to get slimmer?

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