Saturday, 17 February 2007

Out of Hand (well actually in hand too much)

Jenny X did it and put a photo of her breasts on her blog:

They look fantastic. I've spent the entire morning wanking(x5) over these! I know its sad, but I just cant stop myself knocking round and after round off. This blogging thing has got me so horny I cant stand not to be naked cock in hand in front of my laptop.

Even somebody leaving an insulting comment about my cock could put me off!


Jenny X said...

Glad you enjoyed!!!! and you approved!!! and I am helping break your record. If your off out tonight have some fun!!!!

Vi said...

Seems I missed that one! You'll need to return her the favour, Man. (And let me know before you delete it!)

Anonymous said...

Hope you oiling your 'chap' to stop it getting sore LOL

Anonymous said...

Wait, so was it 5 or nine times? Man, seriously, that's some record. But when are you going to try holding back like you did that time before? ;-) Sounds like that really turned up the heat for you....