Wednesday, 28 February 2007


Sorry I haven't blogged since the weekend but I got called away with work and didn't have time to post anything.

I'm not sure where to start really. So what I'll do is first of all say thanks for all those that have posted comments on my last few posts and the one person who posted another comment about my cock.

I'm really really glad to hear that you are all sure I'm OK in terms of my sex-drive. I suppose wanking 9 times a day hardly indicates a problem. Lets just hope I can perform like that when I final get the girl of my dreams into the sack.

I; just like to again say thanks to Jenny and VI. Shame I missed you and your toy VI! and Jenny you should definitely post some more pics. Like I've said these two blogs really get me tugging and Jenny's pics could send me other the edge!

As I have been busy whilst away with work I haven't had time to see if I can manage any more than 9 times or beat 3-4 in an hour. But I might have go sometime. Whoever requested a picture of me coming has obviously not thought the logistics of trying to operate a camera whilst at the peak of orgasm. But I'm curious to see if i can do it. Is it crossing a line to post photos of this?? Let us know what you think!

My blog has just turned into a wanking diary of late and I don't want to just write about me and cock. So I'm going to write another post later to tell you all about how good last week was and also anther to finish off the story of me and C.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you got a cam and messenger, then of course its not crossing the line or of course you could always invite those who are interested in seeing you cum to email and you can send pics. That way, you will know that you are not crossing the line.

Or as you have a strong female base, they could always email pics of themselves to you for you to take a pic of your cock against them and send back!!