Sunday, 25 February 2007


I'm seriously worried now. I'm very scared. I woke up in the middle of the night worrying.

I think my sexual abilities are going downhill.

Yseterday I managed to cum 9 times. But this is still some way short of my record of 14-15 when I was in my teens (my parents left me allow in the house for a weekend and I went for it).

Now I know men are supposed to reach their sexual peak in there teens, whoich hardly seems fair as fewer guys are getting some then. But I didnt realise I'd go down hill so fast. I mean I'm worried that in a few years time I wont even have to worry about cracking a stiffy when out with attractive ladies or the intern in the office wears a low cut top. On the whole I'm worried my sex drive is declining and I'm wasting time without a girl to share it with.

But maybe I'm just over reacting. I'm guessing 9 times is ok and I'm going to push myself to get back into double figures. Maybe you people could help me.

Oh and VI, we deffo need to have a wank-off competition! Maybe the motivation of competing would get me back into double-figures. Jenny, keep posting and I'll keep tugging. If you fancy reading something hot then these two amazing ladies blogs are linked on the right ahndside of my blog ------------------->

Right I'm going get my Sunday morning horn out of the way so i can type something two-handed and actually document the fabulous week I've had!


Lady in red said...

im no expert but I would say that you have the best yet to cum as you get older. the men I share my body with these days are much better than the ones I fucked in my late teens early twenties.

Also it isnt the quantity but the quality.

I havent checked out Jenny's blog yet but I agree with you about Vi

Anonymous said...

you shouldn't be worried!!!! guys my age can't CONTROL how much they cum that's why it seem's they can do it a hell of a lot more! it is NOT something to be jealous of!! and remember what you said... not many of them are getting layed so obviously they have a lot more stored up than you do! they have no PROPER outlet!!!!

~Angel~ said...

I'm giggling my a** off!

Sweetie, I don't think you have anything to be worried about!!


Ordinary Girl said...

What on earth are you on about man!

Anonymous said...

when are we going to hear more about C??? gettin impatient! xxx

Vi said...

As OG said, nothing for you to worry about! I think bloke in there 30's are better than in there forties, more experienced as Lady said. Hey, I don't normally wank as much, I just had a new toy! (Would still prefer the real thing though)

Vi said...

Sorry, Angel said that. OG just can't believe you are worried!

Lady in red said...

Vi I cant comment on blokes in 30s well not many of them most of my guys are in 30s were a blurr of married non sex

Kelli said...

Ummm 9 times? Thats something to be proud of..not worried about. I havent even come close today! (But of course the day isnt over yet!)

Shay said...

phiew! 9 times! That still seems like a lot to do solo.
I think my record is 19, but that was with someone "helping" me. ^_~

Do you ever worry about chafing?

Freddy said...

I may not be able to wank 9 times a day anymore. Frankly at my age my arm would tire too quickly.
But trust me on this. Sex gets better as you get older.

But if I might speak directly to vi here.....
you prefer 30 yr olds to 40yr olds?
where does that leave an old bugger like me?

Jenny X said...

I think you are doing just fine!!! Might have to post some more pictures!!! what do you think???

Cherrie said...

Nine times? Hook up with a sperm bank and you'll be a millionaire . . .


Nine times is plenty my friend. When you get into your 30's 9 times will probably be but a memory. Jerk as often as possible. I give it a tug at least twice a day and always want more.

Anonymous said...

You have NOTHING to worry about. As lady in red said, it's about quality not quantity.