Friday, 1 June 2007

Shameless Request

I'm currently typing one handed and know I will cringe when I read this, but I have too do it as its something I really want to do more of.......

If anybody is interested in chatting on msn whilst myself or them or both of us are amusing ourselves then please add me to their msn contacts.

Please ignore this if you aren't interested, I know I'm a perv but I get turned on by admitting to I am wanking. I find it a relief.



Vi said...

LOL! You haven't changed!

I've invited you to my private blog I started while you were 'away'.

I'm sure you'll find some interesting reading on there to help you with your quest!

Jenny X said...

hey your back!! Glad to see it too!
looking forward to reading your blog again and providing you with the means to get hard and horny!!!

Scarlet said...

I'm very impressed with the one handed typing skills, when I'm typing one handed it looks like.... Well it just doesn't exactly make much sense shall we say. Interesting blog.. I'll definitely be back

S x

Lady in red said...

pleased to see you are back blogging again

I enjoy the chats we have ;-)

alex wandered said...

really enjoy your blog and totally know where you're coming from (no pun intended). Looking forward to any updates and feel free to check out the blog I have recently started.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully, your knob has fallen off.

Anonymous said...

why did you stop writing? stumbled across this blog, and it's a hot read! especially since the dream girl you are describing it me to a t. ;) x mags

Anonymous said...

why did you stop writing? stumbled across this blog, and it's a hot read! especially since the dream girl you are describing it me to a t. ;) x mags

Anonymous said...

Hey, I am checking this blog using the phone and this appears to be kind of odd. Thought you'd wish to know. This is a great write-up nevertheless, did not mess that up.

- David