- Bathroom etiquette. I'm quite a tidy and don't smell, but I'd be worried of leaving things in a mess, the toilet seat and how long they spend in the bathroom.
- Periods. I don't understand these fully. My mate told me when women live together their periods synchronise. is this true?? Would living with girls be monthly torture?
- Wanking. Now obviously all men do it so you just don't mention it. But girls seem to find it hilarious. I am going to be laughed at if I nip off to my room when I get in from work or if I'm bored in front of the TV.
- Underwear. What about my flatmates leaving knickers, pants and bras drying in the living room. Is having a quick admire of these garments out of order.
- Dressing. What is it acceptable to wear around the house?? Me and my flatmate happily just wear boxers and maybe a t-shirt. But would girls not like this??
I feel a little naive to say the least!
I need some help and advice!
Bathroom etiquette? Trust me you are probably cleaner and more concerned about it than the girls. Until you have guests then it had better be clean.
As a rule, yes girls periods have a tendency to synchronize while living together. (that's what I've been told by several past girlfriends living with other girls)
Wanking: Well they don't have to know why you retire to your room. Might I suggest a door that locks? And keep the porn turned down. Who knows one of them may offer to lend you a hand....
Underwear: Look, don't touch unless they're ok with you doing their laundry.
Dressing: Wear what ever makes them comfortable. Girls happy... everyone happy.
And yes I've been living with one for 15 years, quite successfully I might add.
Good luck and don't forget to put the seat down.
Girls are fun and a huge pain in the a** all at the same time! Seriously, I am one, but I'd NEVER live with one!!
This will absolutely be a learning experience for you.
You will eventually find your comfort zone.
Who knows - maybe a hot roomy who is openminded AND conveniently in the next bedroom ..
it all depends on the girls.
you should ask them these questions before you move in with them
I think lady in red is a smart lady. It's OK to set down some ground rules before you move in. Just so everybody is on the same page.
here's my point by point take on this:
Bathrooms: As long as you help clean semi regularly, you should be fine. Check out when everybody plans to shower, if you wait until the last minute and somebody steps into the shower, it could be a while.
Periods: yes, we do tend to synk up. It's not perfect, but it does happen. Don't worry, it does affect our mood but I wouldn't say you will have to live through torture every month.
Wanking: I agree with chexmate, they don't have to know why you are going to your room. That's one topic I would keep to myself unless you find one that seems to want to help out. ;-)
underware: I shouldn't think they will leave their undies laying about, they will have rooms won't they? If they do, you don't have to pretend they aren't there, I mean, hello, they are the ones putting them on display. But touching them or taking one off to your bedroom is off limits!! LOL.
dressing: I'd go with a t-shirt and invest in some comfortable shorts instead of just boxers. It's too easy for peeking out to happen with boxers.
awww don't worry too much, we're not that bad! but like lady in red said ask them these questions, they should be cool. ground rules are good.
and absolutely NO SNIFFING OF UNDERWEAR! if their underwear goes missing they will immediatly think it's you! even if it's not. you'd be better of leaving it alone :P
periods almost always sync up. but NEVER ask them when they're in a bad mood if they're on their period. that will get you in alot of trouble.
wear a t-shirt and some old tracksuit bottoms. they will appreciate your consideration of them.
now not all of us take hours in the bathroom, but just to be safe make sure you know when they need to use it. so you know how long you should be. just clean up after yourself, and you'll avoid alot of trouble, that includes cleaning out the bath tub WHEN you get out, not when they ask you to. oh and don't forget to lift up the seat when u pee and put it back down again when your done. :)
waning shouldn't be a problem. but limit it to your room. a door that locks will be a very good idea as chexmate said.
See not that bad at all are we???
you'll definantly have a memorible time.
Hey look at it this way. All their hot friends you're gonna meet!
Some sound advice above - take note - but make sure you enjoy the experience!!!!
i shared with a straight guy when I was in Uni and he like to walk around in just his Calvins (he had a great body so it was OK *wink*).
He had plenty of porn, which I occasionally heard, as well as some of the girls he brought home. Not great I have to admit.
I agree with everything everyone else has said but have another point to make which you haven't asked about. Don't get too protective of them, it can happen if you become matey and live together a while, they won't appreicate it.
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