Wednesday, 31 January 2007

Up and Down

I don't understand why it is that I can go from on top of the world to life is shit what is the point and back again several times a day. At least three times a day i want to quit and do something else and maybe for a few hours day all is well in the world.

When I'm down my life is shite and there is no point, I'll never finish my doc or meet Mrs Right or make the kind of friends I want to in Newcastle. Everybody else is a winner and I'm a loser when I feel like this, I get stressed upset and worried. It happened today when I got a bit of a set back at work.

But when I'm on top of the world I'm going to succeed and everything I want is just a matter of time. I feel in love with life and energised by where I am and what I'm doing.

I don't know why I feel like this and why my mood swings so badly. i think i just need to learn to deal with it. I need to stop my mood being affected by small things and problems in my life.

Currently I'm trying to do some work, its getting on in the evening and I should probably just hit the sack, but I'll try and keep going a little longer.

Will probably end up thinking about F when I close me eyes tonight to go to sleep. She looked fantastic (her eyes where so sexy through her glasses) and was great when chatting online today. Just cant give the ghost up can i??


Anonymous said...

Hi just seen your comment on the girl website and clicked on your link. your blog is going well - just started mine the other day. will check yours out again.

Stumbling, Falling, Dreaming & Flying said...

I think the best people are like this. for me, i need those biggggggggggg lows, they seem to make the highs higher.